Saturday, March 12, 2011

To-Do or Not To-Do, That is the Question

"The more you invest in a marriage, the more valuable it becomes."
~ Amy Grant

(The only trouble with this quote is that I don't think she was talking about the actual cost of a wedding...)

I've come to the conclusion that no one really knows how to plan a wedding. Okay, maybe professional wedding planners have a clue. But, for those of us normal people who can't afford to pay an extra ten grand on top of the ridiculous sums required for a traditional wedding hullabaloo, it's pretty much all guesswork.

I started out really on top of things. I opened an account on, made a detailed budget, collected names and addresses for the guest list, etc. But, as the time quickly approaches (three months from yesterday!), and I've crossed all the big things off my list, I find myself suddenly at a stand still. I know there are things to do. But what are they? And when should I do them? Is it too early to buy the unity candle? to make the ringbearer pillow? to choose the reception menu? to weave the ribbon through the flower girl basket? When should I buy the candy for our favor bags? When should we order the flowers we're doing ourselves? Do I need to contact the florist just to check in? 

I'm finding that this time--this not-to-close, not-to-far time--is the most stressful yet. By the time I become an expert at this wedding planning stuff, the day will have come and gone, and I'll never have a chance to use these acquired skills. Well, not for a loooooong time until my own daughter gets married, that is. And heck, by that time, she'll probably want to get married in a floating hover-church and my knowledge of weddings will be 100% obsolete.

So, this afternoon, I'm sitting down with my mom to create a master To-Do list. I'll share with you when I'm done...

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